Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Children's and Household Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of German folk tales first published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. The collection is commonly known today as Grimm's Fairy Tales (German: Grimms Märchen).

Brothers Grimm: Fairy Tales, History, Facts, and More    1 Composition

    2 Influence
    3 List of fairy tales
        3.1 Volume 1
        3.2 Volume 2
    4 No longer included in last edition
    5 See also
    6 References
    7 External links


The first volume of the first edition was published, containing 86 stories; the second volume of 70 stories followed in 1814. For the second edition, two volumes were issued in 1819 and a third in 1822, totalling 170 tales. The third edition appeared in 1837; fourth edition, 1840; fifth edition, 1843; sixth edition, 1850; seventh edition, 1857. Stories were added, and also subtracted, from one edition to the next, until the seventh held 211 tales. All editions were extensively illustrated, first by Philipp Grot Johann and, after his death in 1892, by Robert Leinweber.

The first volumes were much criticized because, although they were called "Children's Tales", they were not regarded as suitable for children, both for the scholarly information included and the subject matter.[1] Many changes through the editions – such as turning the wicked mother of the first edition in Snow White and Hansel and Gretel (shown in original Grimm stories as Hansel and Grethel) to a stepmother, were probably made with an eye to such suitability. They removed sexual references—such as Rapunzel's innocently asking why her dress was getting tight around her belly, and thus naïvely revealing her pregnancy and the prince's visits to her stepmother—but, in many respects, violence, particularly when punishing villains, was increased.[2]

In 1825 the Brothers published their Kleine Ausgabe or "small edition," a selection of 50 tales designed for child readers. This children's version went through ten editions between 1825 and 1858.
Grimm Brothers

The influence of these books was widespread. W. H. Auden praised the collection, during World War II, as one of the founding works of Western culture.[3] The tales themselves have been put to many uses. The Nazis praised them as folkish tales showing children with sound racial instincts seeking racially pure marriage partners, and so strongly that the Allied forces warned against them;[4] for instance, Cinderella with the heroine as racially pure, the stepmother as an alien, and the prince with an unspoiled instinct being able to distinguish.[5] Writers who have written about the Holocaust have combined the tales with their memoirs, as Jane Yolen in her Briar Rose.[6]

Google doodles 200th anniversary of Grimm's Fairy Tales | NDTV

The work of the Brothers Grimm influenced other collectors, both inspiring them to collect tales and leading them to similarly believe, in a spirit of romantic nationalism, that the fairy tales of a country were particularly representative of it, to the neglect of cross-cultural influence. Among those influenced were the Russian Alexander Afanasyev, the Norwegians Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, the English Joseph Jacobs, and Jeremiah Curtin, an American who collected Irish tales.[7] There was not always a pleased reaction to their collection. Joseph Jacobs was in part inspired by his complaint that English children did not read English fairy tales;[8] in his own words, "What Perrault began, the Grimms completed".

Three individual works of Wilhelm Grimm include Altdänische Heldenlieder, Balladen und Märchen ('Old Danish Heroic Lays, Ballads, and Folktales') in 1811, Über deutsche Runen ('On German Runes') in 1821, and Die deutsche Heldensage ('The German Heroic Legend') in 1829.
List of fairy tales

The code "KHM" stands for Kinder- und Hausmärchen, the original title. All editions from 1812 until 1857 split the stories into two volumes.
Volume 1
Monument to brothers Grimm on the market place in Hanau. (Hessen, Germany)
Frontispiece used for the first volume of the 1840 4th edition
    KHM 1: The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich (Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich)
    KHM 2: Cat and Mouse in Partnership (Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft)
    KHM 3: Mary's Child (Marienkind)
    KHM 4: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was (Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen)
    KHM 5: The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids (Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein)
    KHM 6: Trusty John or Faithful John (Der treue Johannes)
    KHM 7: The Good Bargain (Der gute Handel)
    KHM 8: The Wonderful Musician or The Strange Musician (Der wunderliche Spielmann)
    KHM 9: The Twelve Brothers (Die zwölf Brüder)
    KHM 10: The Pack of Ragamuffins (Das Lumpengesindel)
    KHM 11: Brother and Sister (Brüderchen und Schwesterchen)
    KHM 12: Rapunzel
    KHM 13: The Three Little Men in the Wood (Die drei Männlein im Walde)
    KHM 14: The Three Spinners (Die drei Spinnerinnen)
    KHM 15: Hansel and Gretel (Hänsel und Gretel)
    KHM 16: The Three Snake-Leaves (Die drei Schlangenblätter)
    KHM 17: The White Snake (Die weiße Schlange)
    KHM 18: The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean (Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne)
    KHM 19: The Fisherman and His Wife (Von dem Fischer und seiner Frau)
    KHM 20: The Valiant Little Tailor (Das tapfere Schneiderlein)
    KHM 21: Cinderella (Aschenputtel)
    KHM 22: The Riddle (Das Rätsel)
    KHM 23: The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage (Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst)
    KHM 24: Mother Hulda (Frau Holle)
    KHM 25: The Seven Ravens (Die sieben Raben)
    KHM 26: Little Red Cap (Rotkäppchen)
    KHM 27: Town Musicians of Bremen (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
    KHM 28: The Singing Bone (Der singende Knochen)
    KHM 29: The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs (Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren)
    KHM 30: The Louse and the Flea (Läuschen und Flöhchen)
    KHM 31: The Girl Without Hands (Das Mädchen ohne Hände)
    KHM 32: Clever Hans (Der gescheite Hans)
    KHM 33: The Three Languages (Die drei Sprachen)
    KHM 34: Clever Elsie (Die kluge Else)
    KHM 35: The Tailor in Heaven (Der Schneider im Himmel)
    KHM 36: The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack ("Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack" also known as "Tischlein, deck dich!")
    KHM 37: Thumbling (Daumling) (see also Tom Thumb)
    KHM 38: The Wedding of Mrs. Fox (Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin)
    KHM 39: The Elves (Die Wichtelmänner)
        The Elves and the Shoemaker (Erstes Märchen)
        Second Story (Zweites Märchen)
        Third Story (Drittes Märchen)
    KHM 40: The Robber Bridegroom (Der Räuberbräutigam)
    KHM 41: Herr Korbes
    KHM 42: The Godfather (Der Herr Gevatter)
    KHM 43: Frau Trude
    KHM 44: Godfather Death (Der Gevatter Tod)
    KHM 45: Thumbling's Travels (see also Tom Thumb) (Daumerlings Wanderschaft)
    KHM 46: Fitcher's Bird (Fitchers Vogel)
    KHM 47: The Juniper Tree (Von dem Machandelboom)
    KHM 48: Old Sultan (Der alte Sultan)
    KHM 49: The Six Swans (Die sechs Schwäne)

    KHM 50: Little Briar-Rose (see also Sleeping Beauty) (Dornröschen)
    KHM 51: Foundling-Bird (Fundevogel)
    KHM 52: King Thrushbeard (König Drosselbart)
    KHM 53: Little Snow White (Schneewittchen)
    KHM 54: The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn (Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein)
    KHM 55: Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpelstilzchen)
    KHM 56: Sweetheart Roland (Der Liebste Roland)
    KHM 57: The Golden Bird (Der goldene Vogel)
    KHM 58: The Dog and the Sparrow (Der Hund und der Sperling)
    KHM 59: Frederick and Catherine (Der Frieder und das Katherlieschen)
    KHM 60: The Two Brothers (Die zwei Brüder)
    KHM 61: The Little Peasant (Das Bürle)
    KHM 62: The Queen Bee (Die Bienenkönigin)
    KHM 63: The Three Feathers (Die drei Federn)
    KHM 64: Golden Goose (Die goldene Gans)
    KHM 65: All-Kinds-of-Fur (Allerleirauh)
    KHM 66: The Hare's Bride (Häschenbraut)
    KHM 67: The Twelve Huntsmen (Die zwölf Jäger)
    KHM 68: The Thief and His Master (De Gaudeif un sien Meester)
    KHM 69: Jorinde and Joringel (Jorinde und Joringel)
    KHM 70: The Three Sons of Fortune (Die drei Glückskinder)
    KHM 71: How Six Men got on in the World (Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt)
    KHM 72: The Wolf and the Man (Der Wolf und der Mensch)
    KHM 73: The Wolf and the Fox (Der Wolf und der Fuchs)
    KHM 74: Gossip Wolf and the Fox (Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin)
    KHM 75: The Fox and the Cat (Der Fuchs und die Katze)
    KHM 76: The Pink (Die Nelke)
    KHM 77: Clever Gretel (Die kluge Gretel)
    KHM 78: The Old Man and his Grandson (Der alte Großvater und der Enkel)
    KHM 79: The Water Nixie (Die Wassernixe)
    KHM 80: The Death of the Little Hen (Von dem Tode des Hühnchens)
    KHM 81: Brother Lustig (Bruder Lustig)
    KHM 82: Gambling Hansel (De Spielhansl)
    KHM 83: Hans in Luck (Hans im Glück)
    KHM 84: Hans Married (Hans heiratet)
    KHM 85: The Gold-Children (Die Goldkinder)
    KHM 86: The Fox and the Geese (Der Fuchs und die Gänse)

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